Monday, March 28, 2011


Nov 2. 1982...

Dear Tia,

So how are you guys doing? Fine I hope? I'm doing pretty good. I'm just a little homesick. Boot camp isn't too bad, but it isn't too good. I hate taking orders from these officers. But I can't do anything about it. I mean they yell at you for nothing. Like the other day I was outside at about 4:00 in the morning with my hands in my jacket pockets and I got yelled at by an officer. Here you are not allowed to have your hands in your pockets. But I was cold. I swear I felt like hitting him or breaking his leg. I don't like to take orders from anyone except my mom.

Oh well enough of that. I just can't wait to get out. We might get out on November 26th instead of December 9th but I'm not sure? You see so many people signed up for the navy and there's no place to put them so they are going to let us graduate early to make room for the new recruits.

I already went to the dentist and got one tooth filled. Plus I got about 10 shots including a small pox shot which I got today. I look funny without my hair. Big ears and a big forehead. We haven't taken pictures yet but when we do I will send you one.

My mom wrote me and said you guys had an earthquake? I hope it wasn't too serious?

Say hi to little Paul and Anthony. Tell my Tio that the guys in my company, about 80 of us are pretty scared of me. Because we have a Korean and Filipino in here and they are supposed to know karate or something but I taught them a lesson with some shin kicks and some muscle destruction. I like picking on these guys. They say I have fast hands and feet. This ex-con about 24 years old from prison doesn't like to mess with me because I got him with a backfist and collapsing elbows. I already hurt this guys knee because I kicked him with my boots on. It's fun beating them up.

Oh well I better go now. Take care.

Love Jesse

P.S. Inez wrote to me. If you see her say hi for me!!! 

A little more info:

Jesse was my older cousin.He was very, very close to me, my younger brother Anthony and my parents. The picture of him above was taken the same week that he left for the Navy in the summer of 1982. I never saw my cousin alive again. In 1984 two years after he sent the above letter to me Jesse was killed in an automobile accident while he was on leave from the Navy...

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